Intro to graphs


Mathematical notation

Importantly, graphs are mathematical objects. Let’s define a graph \(G\) as

\[G = (V, E)\]

Where \(V\) denotes the set of vertices and \(E\) the set of edges (pairs of vertices). Sometimes, graphs are defined as triples \(G = (V, E, \phi)\), which includes the incidence \(\phi\) (mapping edges to pairs of vertices). This is to allow for multigraphs, in which multiple edges between the same pair of vertices are allowed. In this series we will ignore multigraphs and focus on simple graphs, which have at most one edge between any pair of vertices and no loops. This notation allows to concisely define multiple types of graph:

  • Undirected graph: $$E \subseteq { {u, v} u, v \in V }$$
  • Directed graph: $$E \subseteq { (u, v) u, v \in V }$$
  • Simple, undirected graph: $$E \subseteq { {u, v} u, v \in V, u \neq v }$$