

SSH tunneling

We want to access a computer inside a network without accessing the gateway server every time. In order to do that, we establish a tunnel between port 5555 in our computer (any port > 1024 would do), and port 22 of the target computer.

host.outside$ ssh -f -X me@public_computer.domain1 -N -L 5555:network_computer.domain2:22

# enter password


# copy file from computer2:/home/me/whatever/file_to_tranfer.tgz to host.outside:/whatever/you/want

host.outside$ scp -P 5555 me@localhost:/home/me/whatever/file_to_tranfer.tgz /whatever/you/want

# enter password again

Login without password

Copy the public key in .ssh/id_rsa.pub from your computer to .ssh/authorized_keys in the target.

Keep SSH sessions alive

As explained here, when an SSH connection is idle for quite some time, it is usual to find the session frozen and/or closed with one infamous messages like Write failed: Broken pipe or Connection to localhost closed. To solve that, modify .ssh/config adding this line:

Host *
  ServerAliveInterval 60